2022 Apr 19 By bill 0 comment

The quality of the Dutch education system The Netherlands is committed to choice in education and you will find a huge range of options to consider when enrolling your child in school. Overall, the education system in the Netherlands works very well, but it is very different from most other countries. Furthermore, some of the policies vary per city. That said, schools following particular religious or pedagogic principles have had equal state funding to public schools since 1917. This includes numerous international schools in the Netherlands of which some are also subsidised. International education is available at both state-funded and…

2022 Mar 22 By bill 0 comment

Seeing Double: ‘Friends With Benefits’ Vs ‘No Strings Attached’ In A Valentine’s Day Showdown (Welcome to Seeing Double, a series where two strangely similar films released around the same time are put head-to-head. This time, we’re letting love take the wheel in honor of Valentine’s Day and looking at a pair of movie twins about sex, love, and the futility of denying your feelings.) Every week is “Love” week here at /Film, but in the spirit of Valentine’s Day this edition of Seeing Double is focusing on the most American representation of love possible – the romantic comedy. Some say…